A vital destination of its own.
太久了, 中学一直被看作是初中和高中之间的一个过渡阶段——一个需要忍受的过渡阶段, rather than its own unique experience. 在皇冠app安卓下载安装, 中学 is the center of our students’ journey, where hard work brings joy, and community inspires confidence.
皇冠体育app从根本上知道,理智主义和幸福是最好的结合. 学生们愉快地学习,反过来,从人群中发展出个人的声音. They begin to assume leadership roles and head up teams. 同时, 中学 builds in scheduled time for play and creative freedom, which allows the students to relax and explore new interests with intention. Nightingale students emerge from 八年级 as eager, enthusiastic learners who are ready for the challenges of 上学校.
Being anonymous is impossible at Nightingale. 教师, 咨询, 院长项目为每个学生的学术和社会情感需求创建了一个健全的框架. There is a constant focus on equity and 包容, embracing others' differences with empathy, 成为盟友. 皇冠体育app颠覆了关于中学的主流叙事,把一个经常被忽视的段落变成了自己的重要目的地.
部长会议是为期一周的课堂作业暂停,学生们沉浸在其中, 为课堂内容提供真实背景的跨学科体验. 从推销和营销新业务到与戏剧专业人士一起练习舞台战斗, 部长们让老师和学生们尝试一些活动和想法,这些活动和想法超出了他们在给定的上学日通常参与的活动和想法. 这些学期之间全天的课程刷新了学生联系和学习的方式.
A Unique Opportunity to Be Heard
皇冠体育app是纽约唯一一所拥有中学辩论队的女子学校. Students compete locally, regionally, and nationally. 中学辩手获得了与来自全市的400名男生和女生竞争的经验,并经常获得第一名, 第二个, 或者第三名. 五班在进入中学后进行辩论,这样他们就可以练习与他人谈判, articulating their ideas, and voicing their opinions while feeling heard in a supportive environment.
Nightingale is the only all-girls school in New York with a 中学 辩论队.
Going beyond the traditional curriculum sets Nightingale apart from the pack. 学生选修从社会心理学到语言的力量,从博物馆教育到身份认同的各种辅修课程. 这是一种以关键技能和概念为基础的整体和跨学科的方法. By taking non-traditional electives, Nightingale students will not merely be the ones answering all the questions; they will be the ones creating them.
Nightingale students will not just answer all the questions; they will create them.
中学优先教学生如何成为有组织、好奇和高效的学习者. The "how" and the "why" are pursued with vigor across the curriculum, as the students learn study skills, 时间管理, 如何有效地辩论, 为什么这一切都很重要. 发展这些核心能力对于本级别及以后的发展至关重要.
中学 is an environment where intellectual curiosity, 发现的乐趣, and the excitement of taking risks are celebrated.
第五类 students focus on the process of learning rather than the outcome, using a learning rubric instead of letter grades. 他们的技能课程帮助他们发现如何在未来几年最好地学习和茁壮成长. There is a focus on the students finding their own voices in Debate class, building community and supporting one another on a team-building trip, and receiving support in turn from two class deans.
这是一个戏剧性的年初:每个人都走上舞台,学生们和艾伦-史蒂文森的男孩们一起表演. It is also the first year of their 拉丁 requirement. Computer Science class teaches students to become good online citizens, focusing on personal safety and media literacy. Students travel to houses of worship around NYC in their history class, 世界宗教, and welcome guest speakers who support their broadening worldview.
连接经典,社区和记忆,莎士比亚拉开了七年级的序幕. After a close reading of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, students study scenes with a professional actor during a two-week workshop. 学生们参加“甜蜜读者”项目,与老年痴呆症患者一起讨论和创作艺术作品,以发现疾病背后的人. 第七类 history is built around 公民 and citizenship, 学生们学会倡导他们所热衷的特定立场.
八年级 students sharpen their skill-set and expand their mindset. 学习人类行为和身份将学生与英语和历史的学习联系起来, and serves to advance their personal social development as well. 他们的多样性, 包容, and equity course work investigates the world through an exploration of race, and inquiry-based learning, 解决问题, 积极倾听, 以及包容性对话. Through the history curriculum, 学生们专注于研究美国的种族问题,并完成一个项目,致力于放大那些被压制的人的声音.
项目 & 课程
- 阀杆
中学生探索解决问题的多种途径,同时培养面对失败的适应力. 无论是在数学上, 实验室, 或makerspace, students build 解决问题, 沟通, and collaboration skills.
- 人文学科
Journeys in ancient history, 世界宗教, 公民, 拉丁, 英语, 现代语言帮助学生发现知识的广度,加强批判性思维, and how they read and develop ideas on the page.
- 全球教育
Trips to the Grand Canyon, 哥斯达黎加, or Iceland expose students to a myriad of cultures, 语言, 世界各地区. Students study and present research locally, preparing themselves for the vast global opportunities of 上学校.
- 领导力发展
As students gain more independence, they are encouraged to take on critical leadership roles at Nightingale. 他们在董事会任职, 参加辩论节目, 参加有意义的学生主导的活动,让他们的声音被听到, and their purpose resounds.
- 图书馆
To navigate an increasingly complex, 信息丰富的世界, 图书馆项目教会学生如何在研究和演示中明智地使用技术. 为期一年的第五类技能课程帮助学生获得特定的工具和策略,以发展基本的执行功能技能.
- 学生生活
中学 has its own literary magazine, but students also find expression through student government, representation on school boards, 社区参与, 和俱乐部. 诸如此类的出口在校舍内外创造了有意义的学生参与.
- 体育运动
中学 运动 teams provide every student the opportunity to compete, develop her teamwork skills, 祝大家玩得开心. 无删减政策允许学生体验广泛的运动,反映了高中项目.
- 表演艺术
所有中学生都接受戏剧训练,增强自信心, 自我表现, 纪律, 责任, 和团队合作. 音乐剧, 合唱, 跳舞, 打鼓, 作文, 一个弦乐乐团为每个人创造了一个健全而全面的艺术教育.
- 视觉艺术
2D和3D美术, 摄影, 陶瓷, 绘画, video, and museum studies offer broad, hands-on experience to students in visual arts. 学生在课堂讨论和视觉教育课程中运用观察和批判性思维技能.
- Thinkery
下午3:15-6:00.m. 每个上学日, the Hub变成了一个让学生们开始做作业的空间, collaborate with partners, receive help from peer tutors and faculty, engage in creative play and socialization, welcome special guests from the community, and attend Thinkery lectures.